Coyote Valley Greenbelt Report (2005)

 Coyote Valley Greenbelt Report- Greenbelt Research for Coyote Valley Specific Plan

Client: City of San Jose, Planning Department

Date of Project: June 2005

SAGE developed the Coyote Valley Greenbelt Report for the City of San Jose, as part of the Coyote Valley Specific Plan. The report included an existing conditions description, compiled interviews with over 100 stakeholders, and an overall assessment of the challenges and opportunities for creating a non-urban environment supportive of agriculture.

At the time, Coyote Valley was targeted for development, and the San Jose City Council envisioned a 3,500 acre Coyote Valley Greenbelt that would be a ‘unique non-urban environment supportive of vibrant small-scale agriculture, conservation areas, and homesites.

Prior to producing the Greenbelt Report, SAGE participated on the production of Getting it Right: Coyote Valley Vision Plan – a plan to link the need for new jobs and housing with the need to preserve prime urban-edge farmland.

SAGE produced the Coyote Valley Greenbelt Report for the City of San Jose Department of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement. TBA

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